Tag: machine-learning

An MIT algorithm predicts human interaction by watching TV series

Researchers in MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory had created an algorithm that analyzes video, then uses what it learns to predict how humans will behave.

The machine was fed six-hundred hours of clips from shows like The Office and Big Bang Theory and learned to identify high-fives, handshakes, hugs, and kisses. When tests were run, the algorithm correctly predicted future interactions 43% of the time.

Playing Go with an AI

An artificially intelligent computing system built by researchers at Google, AlphaGo, was playing its second game of a match of Go with one of the world's top players, Lee Sedol. On the 37th move, it shocked everyone by playing a very surprising move, seemingly unrelated to its earlier play.

Eventually it will win the game.

Wired's history of autocorrect

A not-so-brief history of autocorrect, since its early days as a minor feature in Microsoft Word, to the contextual autocorrect of Apple that can distinguish between the language you use with your friends and the language you use with your boss.

It also discusses an interesting cultural phenomenon of a slang created in Asia, by teens that use the first word from an autocorrect instead their chosen word.

MADlib - data analysis extension for postgresql

I was trying to build an in-database recommendation system using collaborative filtering and postgresql was appealing because its support of array types. But quickly I found myself in need of even basic linear algebra functions, and I only needed summation (both in-line and aggregate), scalar multiplication as well as dot product. I did these in pl/python just to see if my concept was working (it was!), but, as you can guess, it was quite slow.

A quick search revealed MADlib, an extension that can do a lot more than basic linear algebra. It also does descriptive and inferential statistics, linear and logistic regression, k-means clustering and a lot more.

You can check the code on github, and there is a rpm binary package for CentOS. (I work on arch linux, so I just needed to extract the package with rpmextract and then copy it to my root.) After installation, look for the bin/madpack binary for deployment to[. . .]